Sunday, October 9, 2011

Coffee Revelation


Sometimes it all starts with coffee.

And God.

You go to have coffee with your friend who tells you that she's started a bank account to prepare for leaving her husband of almost 20 years. It's morning, and you're sitting by the window, letting the sun attempt to warm the cold conversation. As you listen to all of the good reasons why she started the bank account, you almost believe that she's making the right choice.

You can feel her descriptions of the childrens' emotions, and her's as the tears stream down her face, and then, you zone out completely.

You're somewhere else in a matter of seconds.

You have the incredible realization that every single event in your life, every apartment you moved to, every relationship you started that you knew would inevitably end, your weight gain and unexpected weight loss, your Bachelor's Degree that now sits framed on a shelf, everything, eventually, brought you to this table, in this dappled sunlight, with this woman who a few years ago you didn't even know existed, to this cup of coffee.

And all of a sudden, it becomes a Holy Moment.

The thought occurs to you that maybe every single thing in your life was purposeful somehow. You even feel important. A sense of urgency fills you, that you need to tell this woman to persevere in what should be eternal vows.

Maybe coffee does have meaning. Maybe the stop lights, our Doctor's appointments, and checking out at the grocery store, even the dreaded trips to the post office, all have meaning. All are part of a puzzle that could never be completed without those cups of coffee.
